Happy Independence Day Events, Volunteers, Holidays, CommunicatingKaseyJuly 4, 2014community, volunteer, event, connect, holidayComment
Doing It Right! United Way of Central Maryland (Baltimore, Maryland) Doing It Right!, Donors, Communicating, Statistics, Stories, VolunteersGaryMay 23, 2014Newsletter, Donors, Volunteers, statistics, storiesComment
Week to Fight Hunger 2013 Events, Issues, Volunteers, Younger GenerationKaseyNovember 14, 2013Young Leaders, issue, Week to Fight Hunger, Hunger ChallengeComment
Doing It Right! United Way of Pierce County (Tacoma, Washington) Doing It Right!, Events, Volunteers, Younger GenerationKaseySeptember 20, 2013affinity group, peer group, young peopleComment
Doing It Right! United Way of South Mississippi (Gulfport, MS) Doing It Right!, Communicating, Community Impact, Donors, Statistics, Stories, Trust & Accountability, Volunteers, InfographicGaryJuly 19, 2013impact, contribution, donor reportComment
Volunteer Opportunities by Category VolunteersKaseyJuly 12, 2013volunteering, volunteer opportunities, category, community membersComment