Three Things You Must Do at Every Campaign Presentation! Campaign, Communicating, Donors, Fundraising, Issues, Partner agencies, Results, Stories, VolunteersGaryOctober 14, 2015workplace campaign, presentation, results, story, give, volunteer, donor, poverty, homelessness, hunger, mission statement, campaign goal, partner agencies, contributionComment
Make It Awesome! Social Media Fundraisers Younger Generation, Make It Awesome!, Issues, Marketing, Fundraising, Giving, Donors, Communicating, CampaignKaseyOctober 1, 2015social media, fundraiser, donate, issue, young leaders, communicateComment
Doing It Right! United Way of Westchester and Putnam (White Plains, NY) Campaign, Communicating, Doing It Right!, Donors, Issues, Results, Statistics, StoriesGarySeptember 16, 2015Communication, impact, statistics, Stories, issues, actions, results, donors, poverty, workplace campaign, outcomesComment
Make It Awesome! Banners Campaign, Communicating, Community Impact, Donors, Fundraising, Issues, Marketing, Make It Awesome!KaseySeptember 2, 2015banner, local, awareness, support, communicate, impact, give, advocate, volunteer, message, ideasComment
Just Stop It! Campaign, Communicating, Community Impact, Donors, Fundraising, Issues, Marketing, Resource Development, StoriesGaryAugust 26, 2015workplace campaign, thermometer, campaign kick-off, campaign, campaign goal, fundraising, issues, resultsComment
Doing It Right! United Way of Calgary and Area (Calgary, Alberta) Doing It Right!, Donors, Communicating, Infographic, Issues, Marketing, StatisticsGaryAugust 20, 2015Doing It Right, Infographic, donors, communicate, issueComment