United Ways

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2016 Great Rivers Conference

We are so excited that the 2016 Great Rivers Conference is being held in our hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan! Please consider joining us at the conference, which will be held on March 1-4, 2016.

Attend Our Breakout Session: Six Ways to Supercharge Your United Way

Gary and I will be presenting a breakout session called Six Ways to Supercharge Your United Way on Wednesday, March 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. During this session, your United Way will learn how to enhance what you are doing, and go from being great to AWESOME! You will learn six simple ways to supercharge your United Way across the areas of resource development, community impact, and marketing/communication. Be sure to bring along samples of your United Way's materials to start the supercharge while you are attending our session!

View Our Gallery Walk Poster: Effectively Communicating on Social Media

We will also be presenting a gallery walk poster about Effectively Communicating on Social Media on Thursday, March 3rd from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. If you are wondering if your United Way is using social media effectively to engage your community and communicate your impact, come learn about what donors and community members want to know and how you can use social media to effectively communicate your message. We will share examples of United Ways that are communicating effectively through social media.

Click here for more information and to register!

We hope to see you there!