United Ways

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Recognizing Your Heroes

During campaign, are you giving recognition to your “everyday heroes?” We were inspired by what United Way of the National Capital Area is doing and wanted to share their unique and creative way of recognizing their “everyday heroes” with you.

United Way of the National Capital Area (Vienna, VA) is giving recognition to federal employees who have donated to United Way of the National Capital Area through the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign). They are calling their campaign “Heroes 2.0,” in which they highlight the “superpowers” within each federal worker and let them know they are “everyday heroes” to the nonprofits they support. On their Facebook page, they have pictures of their “everyday heroes,” including the picture below:

This is a great way to not only recognize donors, but to spread awareness of your United Way, as well. We encourage you to get out in your community and do something unique and creative during campaign to recognize donors, promote awareness, and gain potential future donors for your United Way.